Monday, January 17, 2011

Stanley, Schnauzy and the Rite Aid lady

Don't you love when strangers can totally make your day and they don't even know it? There is this guy that lives here and walks his dog. I see him a lot when I'm walking our pup. He looks just like Stanley from The Office and he has a schnauzer which I've named "Schnauzy" He waved to me today in my car and it totally made my night! That brings me to the second part of my title-the Rite Aid lady.

Goose (my husband) wanted a Sunday paper so we stopped at Rite Aid. There was an older lady working and boy was she bitter about her life. When we walked up to check out she rudely stated that she could take us "over there" which was the opposite check out of where she was standing. Then Goose starts to put our stuff on the counter and she commands another rude comment which after asking her to repeat it was "Don't knock my heater off the counter!" Um, ok, we weren't planning on it. So as she's ringing our items up I had a thought. I wonder if someone smiled or said a kind word if she would have a change of heart. Well, my opportunity came-she sneezed! I smiled and said "Bless you!" loud enough to make sure I knew she heard me. Wow-what a difference! We were about done at that point and she said about five nice things to us as we were leaving "Be careful out there, have a good night, etc" I smiled to myself and just hoped I had made a difference in her life that night, because she sure made one in mine.

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